Angel Of The Night

Angel of the Night,

Embrace me with your wings

Wipe my boundless tears

And quench my flaming soul

Detach me from life,

Thrust me into your heart

And fill me with the anguish

Of the soulless stillness of your heart

Free me from destruction

From the turmoil I battle

From the inferno devouring

My sanity, my soul

Release me into the void,

Clothe me with your feathers

To conceal my sorrow –

Hiding my scars beneath your shadows

On Angel, my Love

Pull me into your darkness

So that my mind becomes your own

And my soul, a portion of your being.

Is History Still Important In International Relations Analysis?

An interesting analysis on the relevance of History in International Relations. As a student of law, I wholly agree with the author’s insights.

Edge of Humanity Magazine

Yes, history is an essential element when studying the current events of a country or a group of countries or even the entire world as a whole and how it interconnects. Cultural differences and the historical past provide a pattern and also distinguish how a society behaves. However, with the explosive rise of globalization, social media, internet, technology and the mass amount of people being able to travel relatively easy around the globe, different societies are becoming more of a homogenous melting pot. Likewise, as the world becomes much more integrated and the various cultural differences begin to breakdown because of the bombardment of cross cultural internet communications and ease of long distance travel, people will become much more similar. Increasingly, long standing ways of life will be dissolved and primarily only language, food and some customs will be the only threads left of the civilizations on the planet.


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Meaning Of Love

Love is the sun shining in the sky,

The birds chirping in the brink of morn,

The leaves rustling against the cool breeze,

The trail of footprints on the trimmed lawn

The scent of bacon and tulips lingering in the air

The china glass clinking in synchronized melody

The piles of baby socks littered in the doorway

The deck of cards scattered on the dining table

The cigarette ash tray infused with a heavy scent

The sound of your laughter ringing inside the house

The warmth of your hands inside my own

And your name written on my heart

Always and Forever

– I.K.

Solitude Within A Solitude

Nothing feels more mentally agonizing and rueful than the feeling of loneliness. I’ve walked throughout the twenty years of my life with it, bearing it like a stone covered beneath my heart. One of the very first feelings I felt as a child was of being lonely.

It was the feeling of being abandoned when I waited for my grandfather to pick me up after everyone else have left school for their home. It was the strong bulging pain in my throat when my parents boarded the plane without me. It was the betrayal I felt after being forgotten by a friend I trusted and valued so much. It was being excluded in everything people did and everywhere people went to. It was of being distant and oblivious to the chaos of 3 am parties, alcohol and teenage sex. It was the high school cafeteria thrumming with laughter and shouts and I, sitting alone at the corner of the library, as I silently observe.

It was the feeling of entering into a world I was a stranger to, a harsh perilous place I was yet to get accustomed to. It was longing the presence of my loved ones when all there stood before me was the darkness and the cold, brooding emptiness.

It was missing those good yet short memories that passed by, which have left me now in the abysmal circle of void and confusion. It was missing my old self, longing to return to a past that’ll never come back.

But time moves forward and I had no option but to follow its obscure path.

Loneliness was I, in a world that was so full of people but where I still felt like a pathless wanderer, moving from home to home, like a soul with no body.