
Echoes of our distant dreams

returning to us like shores of the sea

Like crystals they sparkle,

roused by the touch of sunlight.

We are lost, people who are gone,

nowhere to be found between the edges of time,

Between those distances and those memories

washed ashore, we are only particles,

specks and traces left behind by the sea.

Doorway To Heaven

I heard him say to me that heaven was inside his heart and inside the depths of his soul. All one has to do was to reach deep inside their minds and clear their thoughts into something as pure as the crystals reflecting off onto the ocean when the sun sets. Then the gates of heaven would open before us, beckon us to a world with no sorrow and no pain but that of relief, of ever-flowing sunlight caressing our skins and our hearts. There would be fresh water dispersing into trails of gushing stream, tickling the soles of our feet as we dip ourselves under its fresh clear body. Sadly, he realized too soon that his heaven was only a figment of the mind, a fickle shard of light that disappeared as soon as his eyes opened. He discovered in utter despair that his heaven was no heaven but a dream with no roads and no return.

He had too much faith in finding happiness on his own.

Memories In Death

You are imprinted along the folds of my memories,

What is life but the transience of a waning breeze?

You are etched across the markings of my scars,

What is life but the leaves dwindling from their thrones?

You are a reflection of my kindred soul,

What is life but an echo fading into the air?

You are a piece of me, strung into the cycle of my being,

What is life but a rose withering after its time approaches?

You are within the pages of my heart,

What is life but the passing of moments gone by?

A sunset across the hills

Lifetimes of memories, joy and grief

Until they are no more than a flicker that sparks

As your eyes close and you smile

With your last breath and your last moment

For me to remember always till

My life shrivels too beneath the dust below.